
The library of the college is a great source of knowledge enrichment for the students and staff of this college. It has a wide varieties of book. The books are obtained by means of purchase or as supplied by the directorate of higher edcuation. The college has the foolowing rich collection of books in its library.

Dictionaries -22
Career and Competitive books – 31
Religious Books- 7 Science books – 53
Autobiography of great persons: 82
Computer and IT books: 63
Disaster Management: 15
Indian Constitution and Human Rights: 15
Kokborok Language: 206
Education, culture, history of North East India: 47
Health and Environment: 45
Bengali: 1199
Political Science: 602
Eglish: 299
History: 449
Edcuation: 450
Philosophy: 230

Besides these books the college also has 5 hournals to enrich the knowledge the students. However the college has no provision of collecting rare books and manuscript. The college will certainly try to obtain these prize possesion in future given an oppertunity and support from the directorate of higher edcuation, government of Tripura.